


小泉貴義、村田富保、堀 勝、伊藤昌文

栗木玲子、アナス アンドレア、疋田清美、立松三千子、今西 進、原田健一、金田典雄

Takayoshi Koizumi, Tomiyasu Murata, Masaru Hori, Masahumi Ito
Apoptosis induction of melanoma cells treated with oxygen radical–irradiated medium
The 11th Anniversary Asian–European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering
(Jeju, Korea)(済州、韓国)平成29年9月14日

疋田清美、杉山実咲季、村田富保、浅尾直樹、加藤國基、田中 斎、金田典雄
(S)–erypoegin KのHL–60細胞に対するアポトーシス誘導活性

Takayoshi Koizumi, Tomiyasu Murata, Masaru Hori, Masahumi Ito
Apoptosis through mitochondria dysfunction in melanoma cells treated with oxygen radical–irradiated medium
Taiwan–Japan Joint Workshop of 6th Workshop for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Applications, 6th International Workshop for Nano–Carbon and Workshop, and 8th International Workshop for Plasma–Bio Science and Technology(Taoyuan, Taiwan)(桃園、台湾)平成29年12月13日

Takayoshi Koizumi, Tomiyasu Murata, Masaru Hori, Masahumi Ito
Activation of caspase signaling pathway in melanoma cells treated with oxygen radical–irradiated medium
10th Asia–Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (Taoyuan, Taiwan)(桃園、台湾)平成29年12月16日

Kazuma Ogawa, Takayoshi Koizumi, Tomiyasu Murata, Masaru Hori, and Masafumi Ito
Decrease in mitochondrial activity in melanoma cells treated with oxygen–radical–irradiated medium
Taiwan–Japan Joint Workshop of 7th Workshop for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Applications, 7th International Workshop for Nano–Carbon and Workshop, and 9th International Workshop for Plasma–Bio Science and Technology(名古屋)平成30年3月8日

Kazuma Ogawa, Takayoshi Koizumi, Tomiyasu Murata, Masaru Hori, Masafumi Ito
Effect on mitochondria membrane in melanoma cells treated with oxygen radical–irradiated medium
2nd International Workshop on Plasma Agriculture(岐阜)平成30年3月9日

小川和馬、小泉貴義、村田富保、堀 勝、伊藤昌文

徳井麗佳、服部緩菜、河野 晋、高橋智聡、疋田清美、金田典雄、村田富保
線維芽細胞3T3L1 細胞におけるレギュカルチンの脂肪分化促進効果

神原真子、杉村祐貴子、河野 晋、高橋智聡、疋田清美、金田典雄、村田富保
神経細胞様に分化したPC12 細胞におけるアミロイドβ毒性に対するレギュカルチンの保護効果


Masayoshi Yamaguchi, Satoru Osuka, Mamoru Shoji, M. Neale Weitzmann, Tomiyasu Murata
Survival of lung cancer patients is prolonged with higher regucalcin gene expression:suppressed proliferation of lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells in vitro
Mol. Cell. Biochem.,430,37–46(2017)

Masayoshi Yamaguchi, Tomiyasu Murata
Involvement of regucalcin gene promoter region–related protein–p117, a transcription factor, in human obesity
Biomed. Rep.,6, 374–378(2017)

Tomiyasu Murata, Masayoshi Yamaguchi, Susumu Kohno, Chiaki Takahashi, Mitsumi Kakimoto, Yukiko Sugimura, Mako Kamihara, Kiyomi Hikita, Norio Kaneda
Regucalcin confers resistance to amyloid–β toxicity in neuronally differentiated PC12 cells
FEBS Open Bio,8,349–360(2018)

Kiyomi Hikita, Natsuki Hattori, Aya Takeda, Yuko Yamakage, Rina Shibata, Saori Yamada, Kuniki Kato, Tomiyasu Murata, Hitoshi Tanaka, Norio Kaneda
Potent apoptosis–inducing activity of erypoegin K, an isoflavone isolated from Erythrina poeppigiana, against human leukemia HL–60 cells
J. Nat. Med.,72,260–266(2018)

Reiko Kuriki, Tsuyoshi Hata, Kinuyo Nakayama, Yuichi Ito, Kazunari Misawa, Seiji Ito, Michiko Tatematsu, Norio Kaneda
Changes in tear volume and ocular symptoms of patients receiving oral anticancer drug S–1
J. Pharm. Health Care Sci.,doi:10.1186/s40780–018–0100–8(2018)
